Technology Plus
More about us

We are the Next-Gen Managed Service Provider built on blockchain technology.
Our performance is your success. Our passion is innovation. Our expertise is unmatched.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make your business better through technology.
We're not just another tech company, we are a think tank.
We’ve raised the standards in the technology industry and innovation is at the core of everything we do.

Our Vision
To be the world’s most cutting edge managed service company.
Successful in helping our customers apply cutting edge and new technology to solve their problems.
Successful in introducing this extraordinary technology to new customers.

We Focus On Developing The Next Era Of Technology
1 - We’ve built our business from the ground up to leverage blockchain technology to manage our clients and our data.
2 - We optimise the operations of your systems through machine learning experience, adaptive algorithms, and data-driven automation.
3 - What separates us from all other IT Service Providers? Our care & dedication to transforming your business for the future.

Leading And New-Age Technology Vendors
We collaborate with both leading and new-age technology vendors to ensure we are delivering cutting-edge solutions to our clients.

  • Business Type
  • MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider)
  • Consultant
  • MSP (Managed Service Provider)
  • Solution Types
  • Hybrid Cloud Solutions
  • CRM Solutions
  • On prem devices Storage and Servers
  • Cyber Security
  • Data and AI
  • Cloud Solutions
  • Cloud Solutions
  • Google
  • Azure
  • AWS
  • Industries Supported
  • Healthcare/Pharma
  • Agriculture
  • Legal/Accounting
  • Banking/Finance/Insurance
  • Retail/Hospitality
  • Construction
  • Other
  • Education
  • Government